Thursday, March 14, 2013

"Objects, memories and moments that inspire our everyday" Vogue Living April 2013

I was interviewed by the very lovely,
intelligent and witty Annemarie Kiely in December last year,
for this issue, which has a focus on "what is luxury?"
I love the subtitle - "objects, memories and moments
that inspire our everyday"... those sentiments lie at the heart of my materials -
reclaimed needlework, made by others are often
precious hand made objects filled with memory and
moments from another era, when life was slower,
quieter and there were way less cars on the road!

I'm very fortunate to be given such a generous spread...
only about 6 weeks until the show opens at
Gould Galleries in South Yarra


  1. Wow, congratulations Louise!!!! Is this the Australian, British, or U.S. Vogue Living? I'm hoping I can get a copy here in Canada. Yay for you!

  2. Hi Carole, I think you are my biggest fan! It is Australian Vogue Living, not sure if you can get it in Canada, but try online. Any problems let me know and I'll try and get one to send you. cheers Louise

    1. Thanks Louise. I'll check it out.

    2. Hi again, Louise, I've been searching for the magazine on Vancouver Island and in vancouver city. No one has this issue. So I am wondering if you could send one to send to me. Can you email: for my mailing address. Thank you so much. xo Carole

  3. I am blown away. Just read the article about your work in Vogue Living, am in awe.
